Asya tarafında kripto endüstrisi yeniden canlandı, ilgili kripto paralar ise artışına hızla devam ediyor.
Asya tarafında kripto endüstrisi yeniden canlandı, ilgili kripto paralar ise artışına hızla devam ediyor.
Asya tarafından kritpo ekosistemiyle ilgili gelen yenilikler, sektörü yukarı taşımaya devam ediyor. Birkaç ay önce Hong Kong gelişmeleriyle parlayan Asya bölgesi, son günlerde yeniden hareketlendi. Bitcoin’in de yeni haftaya yükselişte başlaması, Asya bazlı coin’lere hızlı bir şekilde değer kattı. Bu coin’lerin en popülerlerinden olan Neo (NEO), iki gün içinde yüzde 19,20 oranında artış yaşadı.
Neo (NEO) Grafik Analizi
Bitcoin (BTC) 28.000 doların üzerine atması, özellikle de Asya taraflı coin’lere yaradı. 8,67 dolardan bu yana yükseliş ivmesi yakalayan NEO, günler içinde 11,50 dolara ulaştı. BTC’nin 28.000 dolara çekilmesi, NEO’yu şu an için 11,15 dolara getirdi. NEO’daki artışlar devam ettiği sürece sırasıyla 12 – 12,90 ve 14,19 dolar dirençleri hedeflenebilir.
Asya ile ilgili haberlerin gücünü yitirmesi, BTC’nin geri çekilmesi gibi durumlar, düşüşü tetikleyen başlıca etkenlerden olabilir. Bu gibi durumlarda NEO için izlenebilecek destek seviyeleri sırasıyla 10,82 – 9,68 ve 8,67 dolardır. NEO yatırımcıları daha şimdiden zirveyi hedefledi. İşlem hacmi bakımından da üst sıralarda olan Asya taraflı coin, eski zamanlarına kavuşabilecek mi?
Sosyal medya platformu Reddit’in oluşturduğu NFT serisi, yaklaşık 11 ay sonra 10 milyon cüzdana erişmek üzere.
Sosyal medya platformu Reddit‘in oluşturduğu NFT serisi, yaklaşık 11 ay sonra 10 milyon cüzdana erişmek üzere.
Kripto para piyasası ve beraberinde gelişen kategoriler üzerinde ayı piyasası devam ediyor. Özellikle metaverse, NFT ve GameFi taraflarında toparlanmalar olsa da yükseliş senaryoları tam anlamıyla gerçekleşmiş değil. Tüm bunlara rağmen Reddit, oluşturduğu NFT serisinde 10 milyon kişiye erişmek üzere. Dune Analytics’e göre, şu anda 9.909.465 cüzdan Reddit NFT’si tutuyor.
Reddit NFT’leri Milyonlara Hitap Ediyor
Durgun geçen NFT piyasasında, Reddit‘in oluşturduğu koleksiyon popülerlik kazanmaya devam ediyor. DuneAnalytics, Reddit NFT serisinin 10 milyona yakın kullanıcıya eriştiğini dile getirdi. Ayrıca araştırma platformu, Reddit NFT’si tutan cüzdanların 7,7 milyonunun tekil cüzdanlar olduğunu belirtti.
Geçtiğimiz yılın temmuz ayında piyasaya çıkan Reddit NFT’leri, Polygon ağında kullanıcılara sunuldu. Avatar serisi olarak sunulan NFT’ler, bağımsız sanatçılar ve Reddit içerik oluşturucuları tarafından hazırlandı. Piyasaya çıktığı günden bu yana yoğun ilgi gören koleksiyon, 2023’ün başından itibaren patlama yaşadı. 2023’ten bu yana Reddit NFT sahipleri yüzde 80 artış gösterdi.
Ayrıca Dune Analytics, NFT koleksiyonunun toplam 32,6 milyon dolara yakın bir hacme ulaştığını aktardı. Toplam Reddit avatar NFT satışı ise 303.033 seviyesinde. Yoğun talep gören koleksiyonda, son 24 saatte 247 satış işlemi gerçekleşti.
OKX’in düzenlediği Sui (SUI) kampanyasında meyda gelen sorun, SUI fiyatını aşağılara çekmişti, Bitcoin’den güç bularak sıçrama yapan SUI, yukarı yönlü devam edebilir mi?
OKX’in düzenlediği Sui (SUI) kampanyasında meyda gelen sorun, SUI fiyatını aşağılara çekmişti, Bitcoin’den güç bularak sıçrama yapan SUI, yukarı yönlü devam edebilir mi?
Geçtiğimiz günlerde OKX borsasında yaşanan SUI kampanyasıyla ilgili problemler, SUI fiyatını sert bir şekilde düşürmüştü. Hatta Binance’te dip fiyatının da altına gelen SUI, 0,935 dolara kadar gevşemişti. Piyasaya sürülürken büyük bir coşku yaşayan SUI, borsa kaynaklı sıkıntılardan dolayı, arka planda kaldı. Fakat Bitcoin’in (BTC) haftaya güzel bir adım atması, OKX tarafındaki problemler üzerine gerçekleştirilen çalışmalar derken, SUI’de tepki yükselişleri başladı. Peki ya bu yükselişler kalıcı olabilir mi? SUI grafiğini nereye gidiyor?
Sui (SUI) Grafik Analizi
OKX’teki kampyanın çatlak sesleri, SUI fiyatına da net bir şekilde yansıdı. 0,935 dolara iğne atan SUI, Binance’teki yeni dip fiyatını oluşturdu. Bu noktadan ayağa kalkıp yükselişe geçen SUI, kısa sürede 1,07 dolara gelerek yüzde 14,77’lik bir artış sergiledi. Fud haberlerin etkisinden kurtulup Bitcoin’den de güç kazanan SUI, yukarı yönlü devam ettiği sürece sırasıyla 1,10 – 1,21 – 1,28 ve 1,43 dolar dirençlerini hedefleyebilir.
Altcoin’lerin geri çekildiği veya SUI ekosisteminin arka planda kaldığı senaryoda ise 1,01 ve 0,96 dolar seviyeleri destek olarak takip edilebilir. 0,96 doların tutunamaması, Binance’teki yeni dip fiyatları beraberinde getirir. Bu durum, yaşanabilecek düşüşleri daha da ciddi boyuta taşıyor.
DeFi finans platformu olan Level Finance’ın hacker’ı, 1 milyon dolarlık BNB’yi Tornado Cash’e taşıdı.
DeFi finans platformu olan Level Finance’ın hacker’ı, 1 milyon dolarlık BNB’yi Tornado Cash’e taşıdı.
BNB Akıllı Zincir tabanlı bir merkeziyetsiz (DeFi) platform olan LevelFinance, 2 Mayıs’ta saldırıya uğradı. Zinciriçi verilere göre, bilgisayar korsanı 1 milyon doların üzerinde BNB çaldı. Fonları harekete geçiren hacker, Level Finance için tehlike çanlarını çalmaya başladı. Blockchain güvenlik firması Peckshield’ın bir sosyal medya paylaşımına göre, hacker çalınan tüm fonları, Tornado Cash’e taşıdı. Kripto varlıkları, haberin yazımı itibariyle 1,05 milyon dolara denk geliyor.
Level Finance’de Belirsizlik Hakim
Şirket, kayıplarını geri almak konusunda herhangi bir resmi plan açıklamadı. Ek olarak bir hata ödül programı duyurmak dışında herhangi bir ilerleme kaydetmedi. Level Finance, 10 Mayıs’ta “kritikgüvenlikaçıklarıiçin” 1 milyon dolara kadar ödül veren bir program duyurdu. Ayrıca Level Finance, akıllı sözleşmelerini aynı gün bug bounty platformu Immunefi’ye ekledi.
Level Finance, daha önce hacker’ın yaklaşık 214.000 LVL jetonunu ele geçirdiğini ve bunları 3.345 BNB ile takas ettiğini duyurmuştu. Aynı zamanda ekip, düzeltmenin saldırıdan 12 saat sonra devreye alınacağını duyurdu. Transfer hareketleriyle gündeme damga vuran Level Finance hacker’ı, piyasada büyük bir korku yarattı.
Level Finance istismarcısı 1 milyon dolarlık BNB’yi Tornado Cash’e taşıdı
BNB Akıllı Zincir tabanlı bir merkezi olmayan finans (DeFi) platformu olan Level Finance, 2 Mayıs’ta saldırıya uğradı. Zincir içi verilere göre, bilgisayar korsanı 1 milyon doların üzerinde BNB çaldı ve şimdi fonları taşıyor.
Blockchain güvenlik firması Peckshield’ın bir tweet’ine göre, istismarcı çalınan tüm fonları, 3.345 BNB’yi popüler kripto karıştırıcı Tornado Cash’e taşıdı. Varlıklar, yazı yazıldığı sırada 1,05 milyon doların üzerindedir.
Level Finance daha önce istismarcının platformun ana hizmet varlığı olan yaklaşık 214.000 LVL jetonunu ele geçirdiğini ve bunları 3.345 BNB ile takas ettiğini duyurmuştu. Ekip, düzeltmenin saldırıdan 12 saat sonra devreye alınacağını duyurdu.
Şunlar da hoşunuza gidebilir: Temasek, başarısız FTX yatırımından sorumlu personel için tazminatı azaltıyor
10 Mayıs’ta Level Finance, “kritik güvenlik açıkları için” 1 milyon dolara kadar ödül veren bir hata ödül programı duyurdu. DeFi platformu, akıllı sözleşmelerini aynı gün bug bounty platformu Immunefi’ye ekledi.
Şirket, kayıp madeni paraları geri almak için herhangi bir resmi plan açıklamadı ve bir hata ödül programı duyurmak dışında herhangi bir ilerleme kaydetmedi.
Level Finance ayrıca’in yorum talebine henüz yanıt vermedi.
Üstelik bu, BSC ağındaki ilk saldırı değil.
Geçen ay, OceanLife (OLIFE) belirteci de BSC blok zincirinde kullanıldı ve bu da %100 değer kaybına neden oldu.
Ocak 2022’de bir bilgisayar korsanı, BSC tabanlı kripto platformu Qubit Finance’i hackledikten sonra 80 milyon dolar değerinde BNB çaldı.
Bali Valisi, turistlerin ödeme yöntemi olarak kripto kullanmasını yasaklarken, bu durum karşısında turistlerden yoğun eleştiri gelmeye başladı.
BaliValisi, turistlerin ödeme yöntemi olarak kriptokullanmasını yasaklarken, bu durum karşısında turistlerden yoğun eleştiri gelmeye başladı.
Endonezya‘ya bağlı bir ada olan Bali, dünya genelinde çektiği turistler ile öne çıkıyor. Ancak Bali, son haber akışlarıyla kripto sektörünün gündeminde yer ediniyor. BaliValisi, ülkeye gelen turistlerin ödemeyöntemi olarak kripto para birimlerini kullanmasının yasaklandığını belirtti. Vali, Endonezya para biriminin tek ödeme aracı olduğunu hatırlattı.
Ayrıca, yasaklamaların ardından, turistlerden ve birçokkriptomaksimalistinden eleştiriler gelmeye başladı.
Turistler Bir Daha Bali’ye Gitmeyeceklerini Söylüyor
Bali Valisi WayanKoster, turistlerin kriptopara birimleriyle ödeme yapmasının yasaklandığını aktardı. Ayrıca Koster, kripto ödeme yöntemini kullanan turistler ile sert bir şekilde ilgilenileceğini belirtti. Bu müdahaleler arasında, sınırdışıetme ve cezai yaptırımlar da yer alıyor.
Koster, turistlere getirilen bu yasağı bir basın toplantısında açıkladı. Basın toplantısına katılan Bank Indonesia‘nın Bali Temsilciliği Başkanı TrisnoNugroho, ülkede kripto yasağı olmadığının altını çizdi. Nugroho, sadece ödemeler konusunda kripto yasağını getirdiklerini belirtti.
Gündemi ısıtan bu yasaklamalardan sonra, birçok turistten tepki mesajları gelmeye başladı. Bazı turistler, karardan memnun kalmadıklarını ve Bali’yi bir daha ziyaret etmeyeceklerini söylediler. Özellikle Reddit’te, kripto konusundaki risklerin kabul edildiği ortamda yasaklama getirmenin saçmalık olduğu savunuldu.
Ayrıca bazı Reddit yorumcuları, ülkedeki para biriminin kalkındırılması amacıyla böyle bir karar alındığını ve bunun mantıklı olduğunu belirtti.
CoinDCX, CoinSwitch, WazirX and other Indian firms CoinDesk spoke to think they’ll survive the ongoing bear market – here’s how.
Indian crypto exchanges are in survival mode, cutting costs wherever possible, re-negotiating partner contracts, suspending employee pay-hikes, conducting lay-offs, exploring new revenue models and rebranding themselves, all in an effort to extend their financial runways – when they run out of money.
CoinDesk spoke to employees and senior executives at six prominent Indian crypto platforms – CoinDCX, CoinSwitch, WazirX, BuyUCoin, ZebPay and Giottus. Several of these exchanges said their runways range from 21 months to four years, which can, if true, likely take them into the next bull market. CoinSwitch and ZebPay did not share their financial runway timelines.
The survival of India’s crypto exchanges has been a concern since Feb. 1, 2022, when the nation announced stiff taxes – a 30% tax on crypto profits and the more controversial 1% tax deducted at source (TDS) on all transactions. At the time, local industry leaders said they had entered a “period of pain” but that “ultimately, technology always emerges, it always wins.”
Signs of a crypto “brain drain” emerged within weeks. Ten days after the taxes were implemented, crypto trading volumes plummeted, in some cases more than 70%. India’s government then imposed a “shadow ban,” which saw local payment processors cut off banking access to crypto exchanges.
Four months into the imposition of the 30% tax, the industry’s advocacy body was disbanded and enforcement agencies were investigating at least 10 crypto exchanges for allegedly assisting foreign firms launder money via crypto. Soon, the world took note and global industry leaders such as Binance CEO Changpeng ‘CZ’ Zhao claimed India’s taxes would probably “kill the industry” in the country.
By 2023, data revealed crypto traffic in the nation continued its nosedive and that Indians had moved more than $3.8 billion in trading volume from local to international crypto exchanges.
India, as president of the Group of 20 (G-20) in 2023, has prioritized framing globally coordinated rules for the crypto sector. As a result, experts say, it needed to align with the guidelines of the global standard setter, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) on virtual assets by including Indian crypto business under anti-money laundering rules.
This move, which adds some legitimacy to the sector by way of setting up regulatory oversight, has fueled a little optimism among Indian exchanges on the local industry’s longevity, even if the nation doesn’t change its tax regime, according to several industry officials. But they don’t have an answer to what happens if the tax regime stays the same – and are taking various steps to guard against such a scenario.
Indian crypto exchange CoinDCX is weathering the storm by diversifying and banking on its recent series D funding of $135 million.
“We have a runway of four years,” under present conditions, said Neeraj Khandelwal, co-founder of CoinDCX and Okto. “Our biggest bet is on our Okto Wallet. We believe DeFi [decentralized finance] will offer 10X value eventually as only 6.5 million DeFi customers exist, while there are 400 million crypto investors.”
CoinDCX has been leading engagement with lawmakers through the industry’s policy advocacy body, Khandelwal said, exemplified by a recent event, and has emerged as a major player in the Indian crypto industry after recent setbacks faced by WazirX, who ostensibly led the industry in policy engagement before CoinDCX.
Its strategy, Khandelwal says, is “investing heavily in innovation and technology,” including hiring in the space “even now” as we “never overhired.”
WazirX, India’s biggest exchange by trading volume until recently, continues to survive despite a tumultuous year.
The exchange’s future seemed uncertain when its founder Nischal Shetty moved from India to Dubai to focus on a new project late last year. Later, Indian agencies that were investigating local crypto exchanges raided properties tied to a director of WazirX. Shortly after, Binance CEO Zhao and Shetty were involved in a public spat over who truly controls the exchange – a quarrel that continues to this day.
The events have seen the exchange lay off 40% of its staff. Yet, the exchange has a 21-month runway, said an employee who was not authorized to speak publicly about the company. “But employees who deserve pay hikes won’t be getting them,” he said.
WazirX’s survival strategy is to renegotiate contracts with partners including software vendors, the person said. Unlike some other exchanges, WazirX will not be diversifying. It will stay focused on crypto.
“That’s what the founders enshrined into us,” the person said. “The idea is to survive because [the] Bitcoin halving is going to happen in May 2024 when, we hope, a bull run will come. By then, if things don’t break, we should be around to see it.” The Bitcoin halving is when the total number of bitcoin that miners can potentially win is halved. This happens roughly every four years.
WazirX also plans to “keep chipping away at costs constantly to extend the runway” and capitalize on its 15 million registered users to attract lucrative partnerships, like a recent one with tax solutions provider TaxNodes.
CoinSwitch shed “Kuber” from its previous name, CoinSwitch Kuber, and pivoted from being a crypto exchange to a crypto investment platform.
This occurred as India’s taxes, the crypto winter and the ire of Indian agencies all hit the platform hard. CoinSwitch properties were raided by Indian agencies in August 2022.
“CoinSwitch has always been conscious of its expenses,” said Ashish Singhal, the company’s co-founder and CEO. “Today, we are proudly serving more than 19 million registered users, and are excited to grow and evolve with them by providing them with a diverse range of investment options, including fixed deposits (FD), mutual funds, Indian stocks, and more.”
Without giving a timeline on its runway, Singhal said “our healthy runway gives us enough ammunition to invest in our long-term vision – to be a one-stop wealth-tech destination for Indians.”
Singhal also said his company has “strengthened its leadership team by hiring industry experts,” presumably to navigate regulators, even if he added that the recent step to bring crypto businesses under anti-money laundering rules was a “significant positive advancement.”
One of India’s first crypto exchanges, ZebPay, also refused to share a timeline on its runway. But Chief Revenue Officer Nirmal Ranga said it had support from an unnamed subsidiary in Singapore, in the event it loses customers, the bear market extends or things generally go from bad to worse.
“Our internal revenue strategy is to increase the lending value of our customers and concentrate on user growth,” Ranga said. “We are also trying to create interest for institutional investment.”
Given ZebPay’s team has seen crypto’s early up and down cycles, it follows two ways to survive – “use profits made during previous bull runs or use funds from marketing partnerships or investors,” Ranga said. Like WazirX, ZebPay also has a partnership with TaxNodes.
Another early player in the Indian crypto space, BuyUCoin, said its runway extends until early 2025.
“By the end of 2024, we will see a good bull run,” said Atulya Bhatt, its co-founder. “Crypto is a seasonal market and every four years bitcoin goes up and down. It will take 10 years for crypto to become completely sustainable.”
Nevertheless, BuyUCoin had to lay off 10% of its 100 people workforce, Bhatt said. At the same time, BuyUCoin has set up sister companies in Estonia and Singapore as part of a global expansion plan.
“Since we have never raised funds, we can now, given interest from partners across the globe,” he said.
After FTX’s implosion, crypto entities scrambled to publish proof of reserves. Giottus, a lesser-known Indian exchange recognized for its staking service and multilingual options in the country, said it would provide customers with proof of reserves, while rivals remained silent.
“We have a two-year runway under the current conditions,” said Vikram Subburaj, Giottus’ co-founder and CEO. “Our focus is completely on bringing in operational excellence, building your products right, drastically cutting marketing and acquisition expenses, and reducing perceived risks associated with exchanges.”
In terms of employees, Subburaj said Giottus had a compact marketing team even during bull runs and like others, it partnered with TaxNodes to improve operational support.
Temasek wrote down the entirety of its investment in FTX in November.
Singapore’s Temasek Holdings, one of its sovereign wealth funds, has pledged to take “collective accountability” for its failed $275 million investment in collapsed crypto exchange FTX.
In a statement released Monday morning, the fund said there was “fraudulent conduct intentionally hidden from investors, including Temasek.”
“Although there was no misconduct by the investment team in reaching their investment recommendation, the investment team and senior management, who are ultimately responsible for investment decisions made, took collective accountability and had their compensation reduced,” Temasek Chairman Lim Boon Heng said in a statement posted to its website.
Days after FTX collapsed in November, the fund said it had written off the entirety of its investment. In November, Temasek said that the $210 million investment, which accounted for 1% of FTX International, and $65 million for 1.5% of FTX.US, represented 0.09% of the firm’s net portfolio value of $293.5 billion (SGD 403 billion) from last year.
At the time, Temasek claimed that it did eight months of due diligence on FTX, reviewing its audited financial statements, analyzing regulatory risk, and cyber security threats.
Post-FTX, Temasek said that intends to refine its investment appraisal procedure, especially for rapidly growing firms.
Temasek reiterated that it does not plan to invest in cryptocurrencies and said it will be cautious when considering new investments in the blockchain space.
FTX was the only investment Temasek had in a crypto exchange.
During the heydays of FTX it was accessible to users based in Singapore, while Binance, its chief rival, was blocked.
The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) added Binance to the Investor Alert List in September 2021, yet made no such move on Binance. MAS later said this was because Binance directly solicited Singaporean customers, and offered trades in Singapore dollar, which was not the case for FTX.
Version 2 of Jimbos protocol was attacked over the weekend for $7.3 million, just days after going live.
Developers behind the Arbitrum-based Jimbos Protocol are gauging the best way for the project to move forward after its version 2 (V2) faced a $7.5 million exploit over the weekend.
Jimbos said it was working with security researchers to reclaim lost funds – the same people who’ve previously helped Euler Finance recover over $200 million – and added that they would contact law enforcement by 4 P.M. UTC on Monday if the attacker failed to return the money.
Jimbos lost 4,090 ether (ETH) late on Saturday, which security analysts blamed on the lack of slippage control in the main contract. This allowed the yet-unidentified attackers to take out a $5.9 million flash loan, manipulate the prices of jimbo (JIMBO), and walk out with treasury funds.
The protocol planned to issue a semi-stable token backed by a basket of crypto tokens, alluring traders to this concept as similar projects have seen brief success.
Flash loans are a popular way for attackers to gain funds to conduct exploits on decentralized finance (DeFi) systems. The loans allow traders to borrow unsecured funds from lenders using smart contracts instead of third parties.
These do not require any collateral because the contract considers the transaction complete only when the borrower repays the lender – meaning a borrower defaulting on a flash loan would cause the smart contract to cancel the transaction, and the money would be returned to the lender.
Meanwhile, JIMBO, its token, traded at nearly 18 cents on Monday, slightly recovering in Asian morning hours as developers floated their protective plans.
Floki prices rallied on Sunday amid a bitcoin-led market push and bets on the token’s “China narrative.”
Floki (FLOKI) spiked over 10% on Sunday and saw its highest trading volumes in over three weeks as traders bet on the tokens amid a China-focused push for its Valhalla metaverse game.
Trading volumes for the tokens, which are fashioned after the Shiba Inu dog breed, jumped to over $60 million, up from last week’s $25 million average. The spike comes as ads for its Floki game featured in some Chinese sporting tournaments. This could have attracted some speculators who hypothesized that the move might attract new traders from China.
In a tweet, Floki developers said they saw an influx of Chinese-based community members on their social media groups.
Floki previously said it was targeting China in its latest push toward attracting more users for its Valhalla game, as previously reported. The game’s content and technical documents will be available in both traditional Chinese and simplified Chinese and are specifically targeted toward the Chinese gaming market, developers added at the time.
The “China narrative” has caught on among some on Crypto Twitter ahead of lax laws for retail trading in Hong Kong, driving up prices of some Asia-focused tokens, such as conflux (CFX) in the past few weeks.
Starting June 1, Hong Kong will allow traders to invest in some tokens, such as bitcoin, ether and solana, on regulated exchanges in the country. Traders are not allowed to hold any stablecoins, but the move has fuelled sentiment that wealthy Chinese speculators could soon plough money into the crypto markets.
“While most major economies are expected to slow down this year, the Chinese economy is projected to grow strongly,” said Floki core developer @100bviking in a Twitter message to CoinDesk. “J.P. Morgan projects a 4% GDP growth for China in 2023; that’s 2.5 times more than what is projected for the global economy and 4 times more than projected US economic growth.”
“This strong growth will spill over into crypto, especially with Hong Kong legalizing crypto in a few days’ time which is a sign of China warming up to crypto. There is a very high probability that China will drive the next crypto bull run,” @100bviking added.
The move is part of an initiative to drive demand for block space, which help add to the value proposition of FTM tokens.
Fantom blockchain will reward projects that utilize its network and contribute toward high usage of gas fees in a bid to drive increased demand for block space, developers said Sunday in a tweet.
Eligible applications will be rewarded 15% of the gas fees they produce, providing developers with marginal extra income.
This is part of a planned move called the “dApp Gas Monetization Program,” which passed a community governance vote earlier this year.
That proposal sought to reduce fantom’s current burn rate in order to redirect more network fees directly to applications building on Fantom. Now that it has passed, the implementation will reduce Fantom’s burn rate from 20% to 5% and redirect the 15% reduction toward gas monetization.
This gas monetization will reward in-demand applications, retain developers and is said to help support Fantom’s network infrastructure.
Gas refers to a type of fee paid by blockchain users in the native token of that blockchain, such as fantom (FTM) in this case. Fees on Fantom are fractions of a few cents per transaction, but add up to a significant amount over time – one that is borne by the users of Fantom-based projects.
Data shows some projects are already benefiting from the monetization program just hours after its Sunday implementation.
Cross-chain bridge Stargate Finance has been 8,300 FTM, worth just over $2,600 at current prices. Decentralized exchange SpookySwap earned 978 FTM, or just over $300.