“Politika” kategorisi, siyaset dünyasına dair haberleri, analizleri, siyasi partilerin faaliyetlerini, siyasi liderlerin açıklamalarını, seçim süreçlerini, politik gelişmeleri ve diğer politika içeriklerini içerebilir. “Politika” kategorisine dair örnek alt kategoriler aşağıdaki gibi olabilir:
Ulusal Politika: Bir ülkenin iç siyasetine dair haberler, hükümetin ve siyasi partilerin faaliyetleri, yasa tasarıları ve mevzuat süreçleri, devlet politikaları, seçimler, siyasi liderlerin açıklamaları ve politik analizler gibi içerikler sunulabilir.
Uluslararası Politika: Dünya genelindeki politik gelişmelere dair haberler, ülkeler arası ilişkiler, diplomatik faaliyetler, uluslararası anlaşmalar, krizler ve çatışmalar, uluslararası kuruluşlar gibi içerikler sunulabilir.
Siyasi Analizler ve Yorumlar: Siyasi uzmanlar tarafından yapılan analizler, yorumlar, politik süreçlerin ve gelişmelerin derinlemesine ele alındığı içerikler sunulabilir.
Seçim Süreçleri: Genel seçimler, yerel seçimler, referandumlar ve diğer seçim süreçlerine dair haberler, seçim sonuçları, seçim analizleri, seçim kampanyaları gibi içerikler sunulabilir.
Siyasi Partiler ve Siyasi Liderler: Siyasi partilerin faaliyetleri, parti politikaları, liderlik değişiklikleri, siyasi liderlerin açıklamaları, parti içi gelişmeler, seçim stratejileri gibi içerikler sunulabilir.
Siyasi Tarih ve Kurumlar: Politik tarih, siyasi kurumlar, politik ideolojiler, siyasi sistemler ve diğer siyasi konulara dair içerikler sunulabilir.
“Politika” kategorisi, siyasete ilgi duyanlara, politik gelişmeleri takip etmek isteyenlere, siyasi analizler ve yorumlar okumak isteyenlere, seçim süreçlerini takip etmek isteyenlere ve siyasi tarih ve kurumlar hakkında bilgi edinmek isteyenlere yönelik geniş bir içerik sunabilir.
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Show TV ekranlarının reyting rekortmeni dizisi Kızılcık Şerbeti bu hafta 23. bölümü seyirci karşısına çıktı. Senaryosuyla dikkat çeken ve hemen her bölümüyle sosyal medyada ses getiren dizinin merakla beklenen bölümü seyirciden tam not almayı başardı …
Show TV ekranlarının reyting rekortmeni dizisi Kızılcık Şerbeti bu hafta 23. bölümü seyirci karşısına çıktı. Senaryosuyla dikkat çeken ve hemen her bölümüyle sosyal medyada ses getiren dizinin merakla beklenen bölümü seyirciden tam not almayı başardı. Kızılcık Şerbeti dizisinin başrollerinde rol alan usta oyuncular Barış Kılıç, Evrim Alasya, Sıla Türkoğlu, Sibel Taşçıoğlu, Müjde Uzman, Doğukan Güngör ve Settar Tanrıöğen bir kez daha seyircinin gönlüne taht kurmayı başardı. Kızılcık Şerbeti dizisinin 24. bölüm fragmanı da yayınlandı.
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Kızılcık Şerbeti’nin 23. Bölüm Özeti
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The paper rejects conventional wisdom that limits are needed to avoid supplanting the banking system.
A digital euro system shouldn’t limit users’ holdings, a paper produced for the European Parliament said, arguing that the risks to financial stability of people deserting conventional banks are overstated.
The paper turns on its head central bankers’ conventional wisdom that individuals shouldn’t be allowed more than a few thousand euros worth of the central bank digital currency (CBDC) to prevent them from using it as a savings vehicle.
The banking industry issued a sigh of relief when the European Central Bank’s Fabio Panetta said individual users of the putative currency would be limited to holding around 3,000 euros ($3,317) worth at a time because he wants the CBDC only used for day-to-day payments.
Panetta’s goals for the project are wrong, said the report produced by academic Christian Hofmann at the request of the European Parliament’s Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee.
“The key role of a digital euro consists of the important role it can play as a store of value option for the public,” said Hofmann, who is an associate professor at the National University of Singapore. “All of this requires that the public’s access to a digital euro is unlimited.”
Though the study doesn’t bind the parliament, some lawmakers are thinking on similar lines.
“I have strong doubts about the restrictions” on holdings, socialist Dutch lawmaker Paul Tang told the chamber in an April 19 debate, arguing the CBDC should compete with banks. “A digital euro should be viable – why use something you can hardly hold?”
Central bankers such as Panetta have warned that a mass exodus from commercial banks could choke lending to the economy and damage financial stability.
The ECB is due to decide later this year whether to continue with the digital euro project, and the Bank of England has said that holdings of its own digital pound could also be limited to 10,000 pounds ($12,480).
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The Securities and Exchange Commission has accused Bermuda-regulated Bittrex Küresel of failing to register as a securities exchange in a lawsuit targeting U.S.-based Bittrex Inc.
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is “mistaken” in charging crypto exchange Bittrex Küresel GmbH with breach of local securities law, its Chief Executive Officer Oliver Linch said during a phone interview with CoinDesk on Monday.
On April 17, the SEC charged Bittrex Inc. and its former CEO William Shihara for operating an unregistered securities exchange, broker and clearing agency in the country. In the same complaint, the regulator accused Bittrex Küresel GmbH of failing to register as a securities exchange “in connection with its operation of a single shared order book” with U.S.’ Bittrex.
The regulator alleged both Bittrex and Bittrex Küresel should have registered as an exchange because they “brought together” securities orders of multiple buyers and sellers “using established, non-discretionary methods under which such orders interacted.”
“Bittrex also provides Bittrex Küresel with the technology to operate its trading platform, including a single matching engine and order book that Bittrex Küresel shares with Bittrex, both of which are maintained by Bittrex personnel in the United States,” the complaint said.
The complaint added that the “design and functionality of the Bittrex Platform is similar to those of properly registered national securities exchanges,” from its display and order book to order matching and trading rules.
“We’ve not really seen an explanation as to what the SEC’s thinking is there, why that is of significance,” Linch said referring to allegations of a shared order book. “Suffice to say we think that they’re mistaken in the way they conceive of it legally and in terms of facts.”
Bittrex Küresel didn’t know it was the subject of an SEC probe until it received notice that the agency had “reached a preliminary conclusion,” according to Linch. He added the regulator didn’t give the firm an opportunity to “explain the facts.”
‘Never’ served U.S. customers
Linch, who was appointed Bittrex Küresel CEO last year, said the firm “never purported to offer services,” in the U.S. and that it will “vigorously” defend its position that it does not have any customers in the country.
The SEC is facing questions from the industry after a string of recent enforcement actions and notices of scrutiny prompted a couple of firms, including Bittrex Inc., to shutter some or all operations in the country. The industry has criticized the SEC for choosing to regulate by enforcement instead of providing regulatory clarity to firms.
After filing suit against Bittrex, SEC Chair Gary Gensler said the agency’s action “makes plain that the crypto markets suffer from a lack of regulatory compliance, not a lack of regulatory clarity,” as the complaint alleged Bittrex’s former CEO Shihara worked with crypto issuers to remove wording that indicated the assets in question were securities.
While it was a “sad day” for Bittrex, its shuttering does not affect his firm’s operations globally, Linch said.
“Bittrex was an entirely separate meşru entity and only provided services in the U.S. and only served U.S. customers. And they’re the ones that have had to shut down their operations… Küresel continues on providing the services to rest-of-world clients as it ever has,” he said.
The SEC has said it believes Binance.US is operating an unregistered securities exchange. While its küresel counterpart Binance maintains the U.S. entity is separate and distinct, with the action against Bittrex Küresel, it’s unclear if the regulator will also take aim at other players in the industry.
Linch didn’t comment on specific firms but praised crypto regulatory regimes in other jurisdictions.
“What we’re seeing is a growing realization that the most successful regulatory regimes are ones that have created a framework for crypto on a bespoke basis,” Linch said. “Now, that’s why we’re regulated in Liechtenstein in Bermuda, because what those jurisdictions did really early on, is really get to grips with crypto, what the product is, what services, what the risks are, and say to people, ‘okay, well, we can identify and manage. Here’s how you do it safely.’”
Last week, SEC’s Gensler faced tough questions from U.S. lawmakers on his handling of the crypto sector, while the European Parliament voted through its landmark crypto licensing regime.
The Markets in Crypto Assets (MiCA) framework will apply to the European Union’s 27 member states as well as the three additional states – Liechtenstein, Norway and Iceland – that make up the European Economic Area. The regime sets out requirements for crypto service providers and issuers that must be implemented on a national level.
In addition to the EU, jurisdictions from Dubai to Hong Kong are looking to supervise crypto in a holistic way, Linch said, adding that his years of experience as a financial regulatory lawyer in the U.K. taught him that bad cases make for bad law.
“Ultimately, this is for Congress to sort. If it wants to set up a regulatory regime, set up a regulatory regime,” Linch said of the U.S.
The SEC declined to comment “beyond the public filings.”
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Titled, “The Future of Digital Assets: Identifying the Regulatory Gaps in Spot Market Regulation,” the hearing will take place on Thursday afternoon.
The House Subcommittee on Commodity Markets, Digital Assets, and Rural Development has provided the witness list for Thursday’s hearing examining regulatory holes in crypto spot market regulations.
The panel notably includes former Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Chair Timothy Massad, who is currently a research fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School and director, M-RCBG Digital Assets Policy Project.
Other witnesses include Purvi Maniar, general counsel at institutional crypto trading platform FalconX, and Nilmini Rubin, head of global policy at decentralized proof-of-stake ledger Hedera. Rounding out the panel are Daniel Davis, partner at law firm Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP, as well as its co-chair, Financial Markets and Regulation and Joseph Hall, partner at law firm Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP.
The hearing is set to begin Thursday at 2 p.m. ET.
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Creditors can expect to receive between 40% and 65% recoveries, ideally in crypto, attorneys for the bankrupt crypto lender said in court Wednesday.
Voyager Digital was taken by surprise when Binance.US canceled a $1 billion deal to buy its assets on Tuesday. The exchange was still showing interest as recently as last week, Voyager’s attorneys said in a New York courtroom on Wednesday.
Binance.US had made an offer for the bankrupt crypto lender in December but pulled out on Tuesday, citing an “uncertain regulatory climate” in the U.S.
“The debtors have been in constant contact and communication with Binance.US and as lately as this past Friday, Binance.US had expressed the desire to close the transaction as soon as possible,” Christine Okike of law firm Kirkland & Ellis, representing Voyager, told a bankruptcy court in the Southern District Court of New York, adding that “the debtors reserve all rights against Binance.US for breach” of the deal.
Given the collapse of the Binance.US deal, likely recoveries for Voyager creditors are in the range of 40% to 65%, Okike said, depending on whether Voyager wins a parallel lawsuit involving bankrupt crypto exchange FTX, and how much recovery FTX offers its creditors.
Okike also said Voyager would attempt to give creditors back their holdings in original cryptocurrency, dismissing speculation it would instead seek to pay the cash equivalent.
“The debtors have every intention of making ‘in kind’ distributions subject to regulatory restrictions and our platform functionality,” Okike said, but warned that a shifting legal position from U.S. regulators could complicate Voyager’s ability to do so.
“We’re faced with a situation where the SEC [Securities and Exchange Commission] may not have taken a position or issued a formal order with respect to [Voyager’s token] VGX,” Okike said, “But they’ve made certain allegations that could make it untenable in certain situations for the debtors, for instance, to sell VGX into the market.”
The regulatory uncertainty that would require payments to be made in cash applied to tokens with a likely total value of $1.6 million within an overall estate of around $1 billion, Okike said.
Voyager filed for bankruptcy in July, and a deal by FTX to buy its assets fell through after FTX also collapsed in November. The Binance.US deal was held up in part by protestations from the SEC that the fine print of the deal offered exoneration for breaches of tax or securities law.
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The U.S. Department of Justice last year charged three members of a Miami crew in a crypto-related scheme from 2020.
The leader of a Miami crew charged by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) with defrauding banks in a 2020 cryptocurrency-related scheme has pleaded guilty, an official notice from Wednesday said.
Esteban Cabrera Da Corte was one of three individuals arrested in relation to the crime, and was accused of “participating in a scheme to steal millions of dollars’ worth of cryptocurrency and trick U.S. banks into refunding the millions used to purchase that cryptocurrency, in part by using personal identifying information stolen from other people.”
The scheme saw U.S. banks processing more than $4 million in false reversals, while a cryptocurrency exchange lost around $3.5 million worth of digital assets, the DOJ’s notice said.
Cabrera, a 26-year-old from Miami Florida, pled guilty to “one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud,” which comes with a 20-year prison sentence, and has agreed to pay restitution of $3.6 million – with an additional forfeiture of $1.2 million.
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