Meet the British women modernising classical theatre

In partnership with Media City, Qatar

SCENES shines a spotlight on youth worldwide, breaking down barriers and creating change. The character-driven short films will inspire and amaze as these young change-makers tell their remarkable stories.

British classical theatre is celebrated worldwide for its rich history, enthralling stories and enduring influence. Yet, despite its vibrant heritage, the genre has traditionally been a challenging field for black actors to enter. One London-based theatre company aims to change that by encouraging women of colour to embrace classical texts.

Mawa Theatre Company is the UK’s first all-black, all-female theatre group. The company examines the works of renowned English playwright William Shakespeare and makes him accessible to a new audience.

Maisey wants to see more representation of black and black mixed-race women in classical theatre

“Traditionally, classical theatre is a white male-dominated industry,” says Maisey Bawden, Mawa Theatre’s Artistic Director. “We want to see more representation of black and black mixed-race women in classical theatre,” she explains.

‘Shakespeare is not going away.

Despite being dead for over 400 years, Shakespeare’s work remains very much alive. His plays are featured in cinema, television, school curriculums and, of course, theatre productions.

“Shakespeare is always going to be commissioned in theatres. So as long as that’s happening, it is important for us to lean into that as Black women because Shakespeare is not going away,” says Maisey.

Gabrielle Brooks (left), says that they try to change people’s unfavourable views towards Shakespeare and classical theatre

Gabrielle Brooks, Creative Director of Mawa Theatre, says that some people in her peer group view Shakespeare negatively. The theatre aspires to alter those hardened perceptions and highlight the finest aspects of his work.

“One of the biggest challenges is how people feel that Shakespeare is not for them because of how it’s been presented to them through traditional education,” she says.

Danielle says schools have students read Shakespeare but don’t encourage them to perform it

According to Danielle, Mawa’s executive director, school curriculums often ask pupils to read Shakespeare but rarely encourage them to explore the work as a performance. “Academically, we need to start looking at how Shakespeare is, at its core, a show,” she says.

‘Shakespeare was a revolutionary’

Mawa Theatre encourages black actors to push boundaries and experiment with Shakespeare’s famous texts. “Shakespeare was a revolutionary, so we’d like to think that he would encourage us to move with the times as well,” she explains.

Mawa recently held a drama competition called ‘The Monologue Slam’ at Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre. The esteemed writer wrote and directed plays there dating back to the 1500s. The famous theatre has been reconstructed several times but has kept its unique round shape.

Participating in Mawa’s Monologue Slam can jumpstart an actor’s career

“Doing a monologue is a great way to explore the company’s vision in an environment that is all Shakespeare,” explains Danielle. A competition like The Monologue Slam can be a fantastic way for an actor to launch their career, as a wide variety of talent agencies attend.

‘People who look like us’

Although Mawa is a new company, it has already won an Industry Minds award for its mental health approach. They have also been nominated for a Black Tech Achievement (BTA) Award for innovative use of technology.

Despite these accolades, the women behind the theatre company consider their ability to give black women autonomy their most significant achievement. “Inserting ourselves into a space that is normally not for people who look like us, we’re doing that every single day we put something on,” Gabrielle explains.

The theatre company’s founders believe their greatest accomplishment is empowering black women with autonomy

Limited opportunities

Danielle says she faced many challenges as a black actor and was inspired to join the company. “The opportunities for us can feel limited sometimes,” says Danielle. “I want other actors to feel that they have the space I never got to have,” she adds.

According to actor Tracey Dominique, the obstacles that Danielle encountered in her early acting career still exist. She says black women are frequently limited to roles that perpetuate negative stereotypes or are used solely as props.

By incorporating the work of William Shakespeare, the group is giving new life to timeless classics

“It’s a challenge just getting past that initial preconception of, ‘well, we can’t have two black girls in the play’,” explains Tracey. “How do we get out of that angry black woman trope and be seen for the range of what we can actually do?” she asks rhetorically.

Mawa Theatre Company is a progressive organisation providing black women a solid place to grow and flourish. By incorporating the work of William Shakespeare, the group is giving new life to timeless classics. As the company grows, there is little doubt that the theatre landscape will change and that black and black-mixed-race women will find the recognition and opportunities offered to everyone.

Two exhibitions pay tribute to Brazilian architect Paulo Mendes da Rocha

This is the year of late architect Paulo Mendes da Rocha at Casa da Arquitectura, in Matosinhos, northern Portugal. Two exhibitions dedicated to the Brazilian Pritsker opened to the public.

“I think it was the best exhibition I have seen of Paulo’s work, because in addition to being complete, it’s been very well taken care of… the photos, the models. I have never seen anything like this”, says Helene Afanasieff, the widow of Paulo Mendes da Rocha, one of the greatest Brazilian architects, who died in 2021.

Helene can’t hide her emotion. She has just attended, with her children and dozens of guests, the pre-opening of two exhibitions dedicated to the Brazilian Pritzker at Casa da Arquitectura (House of Architecture), in Matosinhos, northern Portugal.

Helene Afanasieff married Paulo Mendes da Rocha in 1974

Four years ago, the Brazilian architect donated the totality of his archives to the Casa da Arquitectura. 

Helene recalls the controversy caused in Brazil by her husband’s decision: “You cannot imagine. The USP (University of São Paulo), the people in Brazil, were very offended”. But she says that her husband just replied: “I know how the collections are conserved at FAU-USP (The Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, University of São Paulo). They are kept in tubes in the middle of the corridor. I am sure that Portugal will take good care of it”. 

Paul is not here anymore, but Helene thinks he wouldn’t regret his decision.

Two exhibitions dedicated to Paulo Mendes da Rocha opened to the public on 26 May

“Geography is the first architecture”

Paulo Mendes da Rocha’s work over seven decades is revealed in the exhibition “Constructed Geographies: Paulo Mendes da Rocha”, in the main gallery of Casa da Arquitectura. An unprecedented extent has been extracted from the immense collection he donated to the Portuguese institution.

“We chose to work on the theme of geography, saying that this is the first architecture. When man arrives at a place and decides to implant his humanity, his daily life, his poetry there, that is the first architecture. All of us are architects in some way”, says Vanessa Grossman, co-curator of the exhibition along with Jean-Louis Cohen.

Vanessa Grossman and Jean-Louis, curator of the exhibition “Constructed Geographies: Paulo Mendes da Rocha”

Twelve major projects are featured from their origins to their current state, from Butantã House (1964-1967), in São Paulo, to some of his latest projects, like the National Coach Museum (2008-2015), in Lisbon, or Sesc 24 de Maio (2001-2017), in São Paulo.

Sesc 24 is one of Paulo Mendes da Rocha’s projects in focus at the exhibition

“Throughout his troubled career, which was marked by the dictatorship, and despite everything, he managed to make projects that range from true domestic experiments, like the house that became a space of invention for him, to a public school on the outskirts of São Paulo, where recreation gained a very broad dimension, but also apartment buildings and cultural facilities”, says Grossman.

The exhibition features 138 original drawings, original models and eight new models produced for this event, along with ten videos made for the exhibition about the architect’s featured works. There are also 44 original drawings by Flávio Motta related to the exhibition project of the Osaka Pavilion, which were censored by the military dictatorship in Brazil (1964-1985).

His architecture was very austere, very respectful of this economy of means, but very poetic.

Paulo Mendes da Rocha won the competition for Brazil’s pavilion at Expo’70 in Osaka

“His architecture was very austere, very respectful of this economy of means, but very poetic. So, there was this tension between poetics and austerity, which I think runs through his work, which is manifested, for example, in the beauty of the drawings, but also in the models he made out of paper”, highlights the curator.

Anyone who comes here and doesn’t know Paulo Mendes da Rocha’s work will practically discover the history of Brazil.

Breaking the association with concrete and metal

“I think he is an architect very much associated with the language of concrete and, later on, he experimented a lot with metal, but I think his work goes beyond this issue of matter and materiality,” explains co-curator Grossman. “I think that for him concrete was an opportunity, it was a field of invention, it was a technological field that would bring infrastructure.” 

Grossman says that she and her colleague Jean-Louis Cohen “wanted to break this simplistic association between his architecture and concrete” in this exhibition. In fact, she thinks that “the great substance that runs through the exhibition is really water, the water of his childhood, of his father, who was a naval architecture engineer and he was very marked by the port experience, as he was born In Vitória” (on 25 October, 1928).

The exhibition will be on display until February 2024

“In Brazil, road transport has created a chaotic urbanism and an occupation of territory that is very irrational. So, he always talked about reversing the course of disaster through this reconciliation between cities and waters, which is somehow ecological thinking,” continues Grossman. “For some it is difficult to associate Paulo with ecology, but this issue between culture and nature is really very characteristic of his thinking and his buildings were, shall we say, a critical approach to the world”.

“Anyone who comes here and doesn’t know Paulo Mendes da Rocha’s work will practically discover the history of Brazil, the history of a very committed architect, who was very anchored in his adoptive city, São Paulo, despite coming from a port city, which is Vitória”, she concludes.

According to Jean-Louis Cohen, “this is not the building that Paulo made, but the building that made Paulo”

Talking with Paulo Mendes da Rocha

In the Casa da Arquitectura’s Gallery we can find another exhibition entitled “Paulo: Beyond Drawing – Talking with Paulo Mendes da Rocha”, curated by Marta Moreira and Rui Furtado.

Moreira shared her “immense joy and emotion” for having worked on what she described as a very rich process, having talked to many people who knew the architect, to get to know “the enchanting universe of Paulo’s ideas and work”. 

“We were concerned with showing people in general that there was a very coherent, very consistent, very constant speech that guided Paulo’s life and, therefore, his work,” says Moreira. 

Curators of the exhibition “Paulo: Beyond Drawing – Talking with Paulo Mendes da Rocha”

“We kept putting together small videos from different moments of Paulo’s speeches, whether more formal speeches, classes, or more informal conversations, and that’s how the exhibition was made”, she explains.

The Brazilian co-curator says Paulo Mendes da Rocha’s main principle is “the total negation of the exploitation of one person by the other” and this is reflected in his architecture, for example, “in building a city for all”.

“In this exhibition, we wanted people to be able to hear him”, says Portuguese co-curator Rui Furtado. “We wanted people to really hear him talking about what guided his life and what guided his life were very simple things and they were all linked to a concept that was the continuity of the human species on the planet. And he uses this concept as a criterion for the options and choices in his life”.

“Paulo: Beyond Drawing – Talking with Paulo Mendes da Rocha”

Parallel Programmes in Lisbon, São Paulo and New York

There is a parallel programme, curated by Nuno Sampaio, Catherine Otondo and Vanessa Grossman, that includes debates, conferences and site visits, with the most diverse personalities from the world of architecture who have crossed paths, directly or indirectly, with Paulo Mendes da Rocha. 

The events will take place in Portugal, Brazil and the US. 

A 456-page catalogue has been published in two independent versions, Portuguese and English, with critical essays by leading Brazilian, European and North American scholars revisiting the work of Paulo Mendes da Rocha. There is also an interview with the Portuguese architect Eduardo Souto de Moura, by the curators Jean-Louis Cohen and Vanessa Grossman.

The two exhibitions dedicated to Paulo Mendes da Rocha in Casa da Arquitectura (House of Architecture), in Matosinhos, northern Portugal, will be open until February 2024.


Riri, yeni aksiyon imalinde Şirine’yi seslendirecek ve sinema için yeni müzikler yaratacak.

Rihanna, Paramount Animation’ın yeni canlı aksiyon üretimi “Şirinler” sinemasında, “Şirine” karakterini seslendirecek. Süperstar, perşembe günü Las Vegas CinemaCon’daki etkinlikte sürpriz bir halde görünerek duyuruyu yaptı. Güzele rolü için “Bu bir zevk, animasyon yapmak benim için eğlenceli bir yolculuk” dedi.

Şarkıcı, Paramount Animation önderi Ramsey Naito ile birlikte Caesar’s Palace sahnesinde “Şirin Baba rolünü almaya çalıştım lakin olmadı” diye latife yaptı. Rihanna’nın başrol oynayacağı (seslendireceği), orjinal müzikler yaratacağı ve seslendireceği, yaklaşan projenin yapımcılığını üstleneceği ortaya çıktı.

Geniş bir denim pelerin giyen Riri, ikinci çocuğuna hamileliğinin üçüncü üç aylık devranında olduğunu da doğruladı.

Rihanna daha önce dünya çapında gişede 380 milyon doların üzerinde hasılat yapan DreamWorks animasyon sineması “Home”a ses vermişti. Canlı aksiyon sinemaları ortasında “Battleship”, “This Is the End”, “Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets”, “Ocean’s 8” ve “Guava Island” yer alıyor.

Belçikalı sanatçı Peyo’nun çizgi romanlarına dayanan küçük mavi yaratıklar kabilesi, daha önce Sony Pictures’da on yıldan uzun bir süre önce başlayan çağdaş bir seriden yararlanıyordu.

Önceki Şirineler ortasında Demi Lovato ve Katy Perry yer alıyor. Cinderella, The Secret of NIMH ve Alice in Wonderland’de karakterleri seslendiren Lucille Bliss, 1980’lerin TV dizisinde Şirine’yi seslendirdi. Lakin Rihanna da işin içindeyken, “Work, work, work, work, work, work” müziğini “Smurf, Smurf, Smurf, Smurf, Smurf, Smurf” olarak duyma ihtimali çok yükseldi.

Film 14 Şubat 2025’te sinemalarda olacak. Senaryoyu Pam Brady yazdı ve sinema üretimcileri Chris Miller ve Matt Landon sinemanın ortak yöneticiliğini üstleniyor. Sinemanın ismi de artık açıklanmadı.

Merhaba arkadaşlar, bugün sizlere Prizmabet isimli bir bahis sitesinden bahsedeceğim. Prizmabet, Betconstruct altyapısı ile üyelerine kaliteli hizmetler veren ve ülkemizin önde gelen bahis sitelerinden bir adedidir. 2009 yılında kurulan Prizmabet, lisanslı, emniyetli ve avantajlı bir site olarak dikkat çekmektedir. Prizmabet’te spor bahisleri, canlı bahisler, casino, canlı casino, slot oyunları, sanal sporlar ve daha pek çok seçenek bulabilirsiniz. Prizmabet’te oyun oynamak için aradığınız ortamı fazlası ile bulacaksınız.

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Prizmabet müşteri hizmetleri de üyelerine 7/24 canlı destek hizmeti sağlamaktadır. Prizmabet canlı destek grubu sayesinde site ile ilgili her türlü soru, sorun veyahut teklifinizi iletebilir ve anında analiz bulabilirsiniz. Prizmabet canlı destek ekibi profesyonel, güler yüzlü ve yardımseverdir.

Sonuç olarak, Prizmabet ülkemizin en kâfi bahis sitelerinden biri olarak gösterilebilir. Prizmabet’te hem eğlenceli hem de çıkarlı bir bahis deneyimi yaşayabilirsiniz. Prizmabet’e üye olmak için aktüel giriş adresini web sitemizden bulabilirsiniz. Prizmabet’e girmek için tıklayınız! Prizmabet’e katıldığınıza pişman olmayacaksınız!

How CoinDesk Will Use Generative AI Tools

Artificial intelligence (AI) tools are changing the way we work – especially the media. Here are the rules of the road for CoinDesk.

New tools driven by artificial intelligence (AI) have been grabbing headlines over the past several months. The basic gist of these tools is that in response to specific prompts, they can “create” content (whether text, imagery or something else) much faster than a human ever could. Once they’ve been “trained” on extensive datasets, these tools can essentially predict what a user wants, often with stunning accuracy.

With the right set of queries, chatbots such as ChatGPT can write entire articles about specific topics in mere seconds. AI-driven image generators can instantaneously produce illustrations to represent abstract topics. Still other tools can synthesize video and audio content from the “raw material” of text and images.

This obviously has massive implications for creative fields, and in particular media organizations like CoinDesk. We’ve been researching AI tools for the past few months, while simultaneously observing how other media companies have been using AI. We want to empower our staff to take advantage of these tools to work more effectively and efficiently, but with a process that safeguards our readers from the well-documented problems that can arise with AI content – as well as the rights of the original content creators on which the generative content is based.

There are several use cases for AI in the process of creating content. This article deals with the main ones that are relevant to CoinDesk’s content team. It does not cover every use case, and does not speak to workflow outside of the process of content generation.

Generative text in articles

Current AI chatbots can create text from queries very quickly. Users can also customize the text with adjustments to the query — complexity, style, and overall length can all be specified.

However, an AI cannot contact sources or triage fast-breaking information reliably. While it performs some tasks extremely well, AI lacks the experience, judgment and capabilities of a trained journalist.

AI also makes mistakes, sometimes serious ones. Generative tools have been known to “hallucinate” incorrect facts and state them with confidence that they’re correct. They have occasionally been caught plagiarizing entire passages from source material. And even when the generated text is both original and factually correct, it can still feel bland or soulless.

At the same time, an AI can synthesize, summarize and format information about a subject far faster than a human ever could. AI can almost instantaneously create detailed writing on a specific subject that can then be fact-checked and edited. This has the potential to be particularly useful for explanatory content.

Given its limitations and the potential pitfalls, the writing of an AI should be seen as an early draft from an inexperienced writer. In more illustrative terms, an AI tool is comparable to an intern who can write really fast. The analogy is apt: Typically, interns need a great deal of supervision in their work. They are often unfamiliar with the area they’re writing about and the audience they’re writing for, occasionally leading to serious errors. The editor assigned to their work needs to edit their work carefully, check the underlying facts and help tailor the article to the audience.

However, with the right editing process, the work of an intern can be made publishable relatively quickly, especially if the intern has command of the English language (something AI excels at). Similarly, with the right safeguards in place that both prioritize a robust editing process and target the specific pitfalls of AI, we believe that sometimes using generative text in articles can help writers and editors publish more information faster than a purely human-driven process.

With that in mind, CoinDesk will allow generative text to be used in some articles, subject to the following rules. The generative text must be:

Given the requirements and the inherent limitations of AI with respect to the primary ingredients of journalism (e.g., talking to sources), the number of use cases for generative text are few. However, we see an opportunity for AI to assist in explanatory content, such as in this article here. In every case where generative text is used in the body of an article – whether in whole or in part – the AI’s contribution will be clear through both a disclosure at the bottom of the article and the AI’s byline: CoinDesk Bot.

Generative images

CoinDesk will immediately discontinue the use of generative images in content. This is due to pending litigation around the use of proprietary imagery as “training” for various AI-driven image generators. We might make an exception in the case when the point of the article is to discuss generative images and the images are used in a way that constitutes fair use, but these would be on a case-by-case basis.

Using a generative image tool to help “inspire” a work of art created by a human is generally OK (this is akin to doodling on scrap paper) with the caveat that the human-created image should not be a de facto copy of the AI-generated image.

Generative voices

AI tools can generate or use human-sounding voices to read copy, effectively turning articles into audio clips or podcasts. Though CoinDesk doesn’t currently employ these tools, we see the practice as an evolution of tools that already exist for the visually impaired. If possible, the use of an AI voice generator will be disclosed in the accompanying show notes.

Social copy

Social copy typically functions as a short summary of an article, crafted for a specific platform. Because of its short length, social copy is relatively easy to fact-check and edit, and some AI text tools may be adept at crafting text in the style of specific platforms. In addition, there is less expectation among social audiences that the text accompanying a linked story is original.

For these reasons, CoinDesk allows AI-generated social copy as long as the person preparing the post edits and fact-checks the copy (which is standard), and for the same reasons we don’t think disclosure is necessary (and would lead to some very clunky tweets). As with use in articles, using generative images in social posts is forbidden.


Like social copy, headlines are quickly fact-checked and edited. Because editors will always be directing the process, we view AI-written headlines as suggestions and are thus allowed. Disclosure isn’t necessary because this process does not add any new information, and editors will always check the headlines for accuracy and style. This also applies to subheadings and short descriptions.

Assistance with research

AI may sometimes be able to assist in summarizing long documents such as court filings, research papers and press releases, among others. As long as no part of the text generated is copied to a published article, this is generally allowed with no disclosure needed, with two important caveats:

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AI-generated story ideas

Any ideas generated by an AI will inherently need to be vetted and researched by the reporter or editor, so this is allowed. Unless actual text generated by the AI ends up in the final article, it’s not required to disclose that the idea was originally suggested via AI (although the author still may want to do so).

The future

These are the rules of the road for CoinDesk as we travel forward into an AI-driven future. That road may change direction suddenly, expand to a multi-lane divided highway or perhaps even come to a dead end, so we expect these rules to evolve in the coming months and years. Regardless, we’re determined to tread into this new frontier, but to tread carefully. We want these rules to empower our content team to work smarter, using AI for the very specific tasks that machines are best at, so humans can focus on what they’re best at: journalism.

Merhaba arkadaşlar, bugün sizlere Prizmabet adlı bir bahis sitesinden bahsedeceğim. Prizmabet, Betconstruct altyapısı ile üyelerine kaliteli hizmetler veren ve ülkemizin önde gelen bahis sitelerinden bir tanesidir. 2009 yılında kurulan Prizmabet, lisanslı, güvenilir ve avantajlı bir site olarak dikkat çekmektedir. Prizmabet’te spor bahisleri, canlı bahisler, casino, canlı casino, slot oyunları, sanal sporlar ve daha pek çok seçenek bulabilirsiniz. Prizmabet’te oyun oynamak için aradığınız ortamı fazlası ile bulacaksınız.

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Prizmabet para yatırma ve çekme işlemleri konusunda da üyelerine kolaylık sağlamaktadır. Prizmabet’te banka havalesi, kredi kartı, papara, cepbank, QR kod, bitcoin gibi farklı yöntemlerle para yatırabilir ve çekebilirsiniz. Para yatırma ve çekme işlemleri 7/24 yapılabilmekte ve kısa sürede hesaplara yansımaktadır. Prizmabet para yatırma ve çekme işlemlerinde herhangi bir komisyon veya kesinti de yapmamaktadır.

Prizmabet müşteri hizmetleri de üyelerine 7/24 canlı destek hizmeti sağlamaktadır. Prizmabet canlı destek ekibi sayesinde site ile ilgili her türlü soru, sorun veya önerinizi iletebilir ve anında çözüm bulabilirsiniz. Prizmabet canlı destek ekibi profesyonel, güler yüzlü ve yardımseverdir.

Sonuç olarak, Prizmabet ülkemizin en iyi bahis sitelerinden biri olarak gösterilebilir. Prizmabet’te hem eğlenceli hem de kazançlı bir bahis deneyimi yaşayabilirsiniz. Prizmabet’e üye olmak için güncel giriş adresini web sitemizden bulabilirsiniz. Prizmabet’e girmek için tıklayınız! Prizmabet’e katıldığınıza pişman olmayacaksınız!